idk what else to say- the head and the heart pretty much said it all in the below tweet, yet i still have chills writing about this because it's the sweetest love song of all time and it's a cover for the 50th anniversary of Crosby Stills Nash & Young's album Deja Vu. i just recently got back from a trip to laurel canyon (which was a deeply personal trip) and the timing of this is all just too coincidental. there's only a handful of bands i've felt that real level with throughout my career, and the head and the heart is one of them- so anywho- not to get all hippie dippie and timeloop spacey cadet facey on you...but, everything happens for a reason, and this is meaningful and i hope you enjoy listening to it today. find more info below about THATH's cover of "Our House" and CSNY's 50th anniverary of the album 'Dejau Vu'!
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