Here we go guys...I'm here to help you get thru this pandemic with good news like this....
the virus will never stop the rave :)
How wild?! Ok first off the suit hasn't been manufactured yet... but an LA Creative Studio by the name of "Production Club" has unveiled a design for this new futuristic, pandemic-proof raving outfit that they're calling "Micrashell Futuresuit".
Inside the suit features compatibility with a subwoofer soundsystem and .....VAPING (lol wtf).
The Los Angeles creative studio has previously produced interactive installations and bright light shows for the likes of Skrillex, SOPHIE and Grimes. Now the music events industry has been put on hold, the designers have diverted their attention to solutions for raving during times of pandemic.
The features of the high-tech concept are geared towards allowing people to party without socially distancing. They include “phone integration, beverage and vape consumption, voice communication, a subwoofer sound system, a video camera, fashion accessories, and a breathable helmet with unobscured views”.
Production Club’s Head of Inventions Mike808 (Miguel Risueño) said: “With everyone in our industry focused on developing virtual solutions we decided to focus on something more emotional, physical and inherently human so the industry as a whole could have a broader chance to recover promptly.
Production Club’s Head of Special Projects Corey Johnson said: “We believe events are essential to the human experience and create the memories that define our lives. While we might not see a Coachella-sized event for some time, we are excited by the challenge to create innovative solutions to push forward quality live entertainment and human connection
It’s just a design at this point and no suits have actually been produced. But if the virus doesn’t subside and lockdown measures keep dragging on, it might be needed.
Check out some more imagery of the suit and its feature HERE: Production Club's website for further details.