HOAGIE NATION FESTIVAL is this weekend! .A celebration of EVERYTHING Philly! what other city would name a festival Hoagie Nation?! This Saturday at Penn’s Landing & on that bill is Philly’s pride and joy… G.Love! I chatted w/ G a few hours ago about the festival this weekend and we caught up on a ton of good stuff!
We got into what makes Philly so special… “Philly is about having the odds stacked against you and coming out and prevailing”
We spoke about how Philly has musicians from all different walks of life and how they're part of the reason why the music that comes out of Philly is significant. Being multi-cultural and eclectic is a part of what makes the fabric of Philadelphia music!
ALSO- G.Love is planning on recording a new album in 2018 AND ALSO if you’re lookin for the best #HOAGIE in town, G said hit up Sarcone’s Deli 5th for that freshy fresh homemade bread.