New Concert Safety Guidelines Won’t Allow Moshing or Crowdsurfing

When concerts and live performances finally return, it certainly will be a party.

However, until then, lot of people are wondering how the party will happen. So many questions are being asked!

Enter The Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide, which is “a collective work by event industry professionals to help our peers who are planning to reopen during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.”

According to MetalSucks:

The guide warns that patrons will be resistant to new safety measures put in place at first, but will likely grow accustomed to them over time, likening wearing face masks and remaining socially distant to bag checks and metal detectors put in place after 9/11.


One of the many stipulations included in the 29-page document is that “Patrons cannot all stand at the front of the stage like they are accustomed; moshing and crowd surfing are violations of social distancing per se and must be absolutely prohibited during this pandemic.”

Kind of hard to imagine not being up close and personal with your favorite artists in the future, but we will all work together to make this happen.\

Check out more HERE and read the entire Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide HERE!

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