Eliot Duhan (and Oliver Duhan too!) stopped by to chat about the band EDO. We talked about many diverse topics from Pop-tarts and stealing food and family traditions to songwriting, zombies, Philly indie musical history, performance art and masks and engaging with the audience. Eliot also talked about keeping shows fresh with a limited setlist and how to mix up live performances while still delivering a show that feels like it's within the context of the band.
I probably saw EDO play live for the first time either at PiLam in West Philly or maybe at a Clark Park Fest around 1996 or 1997. It was truly an interesting show. From passing around ham to audience members so they can make their own sandwiches during the show, to getting haircuts on stage, having live cartoonists drawing out scenarios to certain songs and having live projectionists making video and projections behind and in front of the band, and giving away stuff they're getting rid off with a free box on or next to the stage, it's a full experience! While I have many favorite EDO songs, perhaps my two favoritest favorites are "Upper Darby Gives Me the Creeps" and "(You Used to Bring Me) Ham."
EDO has been an active band in the Philadelphia area for many years - over 30 years, from the early 1990s up until now. They originally started in 1987 in Annapolis, MD and moved to Philadelphia around 1990. While they didn't play as many shows in the mid 2000s until the past few years, the band never broke up or quit - they just took it down a few notches for a while. Although there have been many lineup fluctuations, many core members of the early band still perform with EDO regularly or as special guests as their lives and schedules and health permits.
The original lineup of the band was: Eliot Duhan, Jenna McKenna, Karl Meyer, Mashall McMillian, Rockin' Mr. Higuera, Kevin Depew, Yanni Papadopoulos (1987)
The original Philly lineup was: Eliot Duhan, George Rush, Frank Alden, Andy McConnell, Branavan Ganesan, Pete Wilder, Terry Simpkins
Jim McShea and John Thomas joined the band in the mid 90s. Rich Moskowitz took over drums in 2000. Old members rejoined or filled in for shows as needed.
Todd Young joined the band sometime in 1990s, but is noted on the book of faces to have been officially part of the 2009 lineup. (Who remembers what year he started playing with EDO?!)
A lot of notable Philadelphia musicians have played with the band at one time or another, including Yanni Papadopoulous (of Stinking Lizaveta), E.J. Simpson, Dena Epstein, Eliot Levin, and David Fishkin.
The current lineup of the band includes Eliot Duhan, Andy McConnell, Todd Young, David Bath, John Thomas, Pete Wilder (and more)
Members of EDO also play in the band Satans. Todd Young also has his own band he plays with as well.
Over the years EDO has recorded many songs and EPs, cassettes, etc. Many are no longer available in physical form but you can find an archive of a lot of their music online here.
Enjoy the interview below.
Catch EDO live for the Haircut Show with the Satans, GPS, Dweller and the Savories at the Grape Room on Saturday, September 28th (around 10pm)
Enjoy some videos of the band. Look for the masks Eliot references in the interview and listen for the Action News theme at 1:19:05 in the Middle East video below!
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