Boot & Saddle announces closure due to the pandemic

South Philly's Boot & Saddle music venue (1131 S Broad St.) has just announced that after 7 years and hosting 1,500+ shows they will be closing forever due to the financial strain caused by the pandemic.

They shared this official statement:

"With Covid-cases back on the rise in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and around the country, the tought of having 200 people standing shoulder-to-shoulder in our small indoor bar early next year has faded. After eight months without a show, and without a clear reopening date in sight, we no longer have the luxury of paying the bills and expenses for two closed venues. And so we have made the difficult decision to close Boot & Saddle for good. We hope that this decision will assure that our sister venue, Union Transfer, can survive well into 2021."

Us too, Boot & Saddle, us too. Thanks for all the hot, sweaty, up close and personal shows over the years. You'll be missed terribly.

My final show at Boot & Saddle was on December 1st, 2019 with The Joy Formidable. What was yours?

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