Hey Philly! It's Spring? Maybe? The weather is finally warming up but it doesn't exactly look like anything is blooming yet. This weekend is the start of the outdoor concert season! Sunday is the Manayunk StrEAT Festival with tons of bands playing all day long for free - I love those free concerts where you can check out a lot of different music without spending all your money at multiple venues and see who you like that you want to go back and see again. I guess the venues didn't schedule too many Friday the 13th shows, but Saturday 4/14 is off the chains with lots of awesome shows, and next Thursday is looking like another complicated decision of what should you do with your night as well.
Check out the listings below and let me know if I forgot anything or should know about stuff. You can also call the hotline, since I am getting ready to drop the next podcast interview soon! Call 484-429-6949 and leave me a 3 minute or less voicemail and if it's not obscene I will play it on the show. Tell me what you're looking forward to this Spring and Summer, what songs are stuck in your head, your fave summer fests, your favorite Philly parks to see concerts in, and anything else (like your band's record release show, etc.)
As always, I only link the Philly area artists (city, suburbs, Jersey, Delaware, with moderate liberties). No offense to the other folks on these shows from other towns... Also I probably won't include Sold-Out shows, since you can't go if you don't already have your tix.
As always, msg me at phillymusicpodcast@gmail.com or tweet me @PhillyMusicPod to let me know about upcoming shows that I should include, new songs to listen to, etc.
Greg Sover Band, Anna Spackman at Steel City Coffeehouse (Phoenixville, PA)
Hoochi Coochi, Vital Stats, Chvnce, Tetra at the PHARMACY
Vital Stats at the June 2017 Summer Block Party
Vital Stats Open the June 2017 Summer Block Party
By Radio 104.5
SATURDAY, April 14
Rock to the Future's Music For All Ball - with Chill Moody, Grandchildren, Nicky Palermo of NOTHING at Painted Bride Art Center
Vinnie Paolizzi Band, The Tisburys at Dawson Street Pub
Lotus with Minka @ Union Transfer
Tommy Conwell & the Little Kings at 118 North
Media Roots Ramble with Kenn Kweder, Mason Porter, Emily Drinker, and many more!
Kurt Vile opens for John Prine at Merriam Theater
Ed Schrader's Music Beat, Brother JT, and Evil Sword at Everybody Hits
Manayunk StrEAT Food Festival with live performances by Andrew Jude, Tucker Hill Music, Kuf Knotz, John Gilbride, Katie Burke of Stella Ruze, Rachel Andie & the V Element, The Tisburys, RFA - All Ages, 11am-5pm (Main Street, Manayunk)
Ardmore Music Hall Friends & Fam Jam with Nik Greeley, Swwik, Heaven Man, DJ Magnanimous, Dylan Hepner + More.
Levee Drivers, Todd Day Wait, Jo Kusy at Ortlieb's
Waxahatchee w/ Hooray for the Riff Raff at Union Transfer
Grape Room Open Mic Night 7pm
West Philadelphia Orchestra at Franky Bradley's (Every Tuesday)
Barnes, Lady HD, The Mysteries at Ortlieb's
Connie's Ric Rac Open Mic 8pm
Burlap & Bean Open Mic 7pm (6:30 signup)
Mason Porter at Ardmore Music Hall (with Mallett Brothers, Jon Fishman)
Bilal, Laurin Talese at Ardmore Music Hall
Dan Bern with Cliff Hillis at Kennett Flash
The Cactus Blossoms, Hurricane Hoss, Frankie Lee at Johnny Brenda's
5 Bands, 5 Kegs, 5 Dollars at Warehouse on Watts with Overwinter, Magdalena Bay, Phulton, Madalean Gauze, Yankie Bluff
Chocolate, Second Letter, Josh Alvarez, Old Arrows at Barbary Upstairs