Seagull hits teen in face while on the SpringShot ride in Wildwood

Not since Fabio in the late 90s has a seagull in the face become viral.

Two teens were at the SpringShot ride at Morey's Pier in Wildwood, NJ and as they went up in the ride, one of them comes face to face with the beach bird.

According to 6abc:

Georgia Reed, 14, and Kiley Holman, 13, who live near Weatherly, Pennsylvania, got quite the surprise visitor while on a ride at Morey's Piers in Wildwood, New Jersey earlier this month.

Georgia was celebrating her 14th birthday while on vacation and decided to go on the SpringShot ride at the amusement park.

"She wanted to do the slingshot. and I've done the slingshot previously so I wasn't that nervous," Kiley said.

"When I got shot up, then I saw it. It was going the opposite way and then it came back and hit me right in the face," Kiley said. "It felt really light and it only left like the tiniest scratch."

Kiley was able to remove the bird and it seemingly flew away uninjured.

All of this occurred right next to Georgia, who had no idea what was going on right next to her.

When they got off the ride, they couldn't wait to see the now viral video.

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