John Mayer Releases New Song & Announces New Album

This is going to be a John Mayer appreciation post so if you're not a fan then this isn't for you.

John is a musical chameleon, that for some reason doesn't get the respect he deserves. He has done the heartthrob thing when he was young, he's highly praised by the best blues guitarists like Eric Clapton, he has gone folk, added tasteful notes to hip hop tracks by Travis Scott and Mac Miller and currently tours with The Grateful Dead.

Now on his new album, Sob Rock which is due out on July 16th, going off his new song 'Last Train Home," and the album art it looks like John is going full on 80's synth, Toto style rock.

I think there is something to be said for a musician that is constantly expanding his sound and being extremely versatile by working with any artists no matter the genre. Every one of his 8 albums has a different style, so i'm excited to see what looks to be a modern take on the 80s will be like.

Highly recommend you see him solo or with Dead & Company this Summer at Citizens Bank Park in August.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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