THIS is the exact time we shift from "work mode" to "weekend mode"

Ahhhh, Friday.....

According to a new survey from, the exact time that the average person shifts from "work mode" to "weekend mode" is...2:52 pm Friday afternoon. That's when our focus moves away from thinking about all of our responsibilities and to-do lists to our weekend plans. (unless your boss is reading this, then it's definitely not till after 5pm. DEFINITELY.)

That jusssst so happens to coincide nicely with our Instagram InstaJam this afternoon with AJR at 3pm. Adam, Jack and Ryan are taking over our IG for some music and fun over at @alt1045Philly

The top signs of that "Friday Feeling" kicking in include being less pressured with work/school/homeschool(35%), having music on (26% - we can strongly get behind this one), and work emails getting quieter (25%).

Another interesting factoid to come out of this study, for 1 in 6 people, it doesn't truly start to feel like the weekend until they've had an alcoholic beverage. If you're looking for some tasty beer recommendations you KNOW we've got you covered with our Brewery Tour - details HERE

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